Monday, December 24, 2012

Recent View Towers Stories Including Today

Last week there were two fire alarms in one day. The first was at, I think, 5:46 am.  I was the only person out of the building when the alarm stopped, so I tried to go back in, but by that point the fire department had arrived so I had to wait a bit longer. I think about three other people left, way less than the people who’d left during the 7 am fire alarm a few days later. Apparently in both cases the fire alarm had been pulled

Later on that day, I learned that two night managers were no longer employed by View Towers. I’m not sure if this was related to the above or not. It made a good excuse though for me to ask a friend if she already had a copy of Night at the Museum, a movie about a night manager.

Earlier and later that day and a few times since I’ve had trouble unlocking my door when leaving. This actually helped me when the fire alarm when off a second time that day, this time around 10. It took me a while to get my door unlocked and when I finally did, the alarm stopped.

View Towers actually made the news due to its living conditions (thank you to my friend Pam for pointing this out): The bathroom bit is a bit puzzling because I’ve never had trouble getting my floor re-tiled but it’s true the hot tub and sauna have been out of commission for six years.

Then today I was heading out the Quadra Street exit and got a scare because homeless people were hunched together right by the exit. I could have easily injured them by mistake if I had pushed the door open harder or been moving faster still leaving the building, they were so close to the exit. I was disoriented and didn’t realize until it was too late that they were attempting to enter the building that way. It’s a one way door and letting people in that way on purpose is an automatic eviction, so I immediately let the landlords know they were intruding and that they snuck in before I could stop them. I do have some sympathy for the plight of the homeless but not to the point of wanting to suddenly become homeless myself. That and the fact that they posed a safety hazard including to themselves standing that close to the door.

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